How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Sharing of touch profiles for games and apps according to screen resolution
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by zulu99 »

About NOVA Legacy

You can find the touch profile for phone and for the hardware controller here:

As you can see is playable !

The right stick of hardware controller is mapped in relative mode, deadzone 0 and sensitivity 6, means that you can move the camera at 360 degres with a single movement of the stick if you not release it.

For your others configs, every button can be mapped also as swipe actions, not only as single touch.

Mainly you can do everything, but you must connect the mind when you create a touch profile for some games !

The mouse and touch mouse is controllable with the right stick of the hardware controller when mouse mode is enabled and should be used only to click on menu and options, not to play the game.


To see my touch profiles and to understand how i map the games, you can download my touch profiles and open with Touch Profile Creator on a generic 1920x1080 screenshot.

With a video you can see if a game is playable or not. And to play games in my videos i always use DroidMote. ... d1ndgguo3_
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by Franchuteman »

Yayyyyy!. Now i can play shotters flawlessly!Thanks!! :mrgreen: . "relative mode" was what I was looking for. One less problem. :D

***Shotters with "relative mode". Perfect. :mrgreen:
***Runners. With "swipe options". I feel some lag... its normal??. Passable.
***Eternal warriors 4 (not static stick games) with relative mode. I dont feel it so good. Passable. Without "relative mode" other problems but more responsive. The two modes do not seem to work well. It should be something in between.
***And Basic games like Big Bang racing, traffic rider, etc... Here is my BIG problem.. jej. For me dont work, its imposible. With normal mode, relative mode, dead zone,.. When I push left go to right first!. wth
zulu99 wrote:
The mouse and touch mouse is controllable with the right stick of the hardware controller when mouse mode is enabled and should be used only to click on menu and options, not to play the game.
And why not create support for the hardware mouse to play many games ?. I do not get it. Which is the reason?. And zoom?.
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by Cody Wing »

It works perfectly with my Shield Tablet. I even got rid of my ps3 because of it!
Last edited by Cody Wing on Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by zulu99 »

Franchuteman wrote:Yayyyyy!. Now i can play shotters flawlessly!Thanks!! :mrgreen: . "relative mode" was what I was looking for. One less problem. :D

***Shotters with "relative mode". Perfect. :mrgreen:
***Runners. With "swipe options". I feel some lag... its normal??. Passable.
***Eternal warriors 4 (not static stick games) with relative mode. I dont feel it so good. Passable. Without "relative mode" other problems but more responsive. The two modes do not seem to work well. It should be something in between.
***And Basic games like Big Bang racing, traffic rider, etc... Here is my BIG problem.. jej. For me dont work, its imposible. With normal mode, relative mode, dead zone,.. When I push left go to right first!. wth
zulu99 wrote:
The mouse and touch mouse is controllable with the right stick of the hardware controller when mouse mode is enabled and should be used only to click on menu and options, not to play the game.
And why not create support for the hardware mouse to play many games ?. I do not get it. Which is the reason?. And zoom?.
With games like Big Bang racing, you can use the controller on phone and everything work well. The controller on phone is better than hardware controller for multi touch games. in general.

With the hardwar controller, you can have difficulties to map games like Big Bang racing, but is not a problem of droidmote, is the nature of the hardware controller and how the developer implemented the gesture recognition. To say the true, the develper can do a better implementation.

Anyway, if you can't map the left stick of the hardware controller on a game like Big Bang racing, you can use two generic buttons like left trigger and right trigger, R1 and L1 or what you want to go left and right.

With mouse and touch mouse that is controllable with right stick of the hardware controller you can play some games, but is not my fault if usually games need touch profiles and are not playable just with a mouse.

For the zoom with an hardware controller you can map two circle on the screen. Move the left and rifgt stick to zoom in / out
or a button and a stick
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by Franchuteman »

zulu99 wrote:
To say the true, the developer can do a better implementation
True. :D
zulu99 wrote: For the zoom with an hardware controller you can map two circle on the screen. Move the left and rifgt stick to zoom in / out or a button and a stick
Nice one. I will try it. ;)

Thanks a lot for your great rom for nvidia shield tv and for all!!!. Verdict: EXCELLENT Cheers!
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by zulu99 »

Franchuteman wrote:
zulu99 wrote:
To say the true, the developer can do a better implementation
True. :D
zulu99 wrote: For the zoom with an hardware controller you can map two circle on the screen. Move the left and rifgt stick to zoom in / out or a button and a stick
Nice one. I will try it. ;)

Thanks a lot for your great rom for nvidia shield tv and for all!!!. Verdict: EXCELLENT Cheers!
Is not all... I'm working on a new update that should fix all your problems with the hardware controller with strange games.
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by zulu99 »

I updated the Client. The last version now is 4.7.4

From version 4.7.4 you should solve the previous problems with hardware controller.

Mainly you can use also the normal mode for stick mapping in games like Big Bang racing

Improved also the deadzone setting in relative mode.

Now you should be able to play well every game also with the hardware controller.

your tests were very useful to improve DroidMote. Thanks.
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by asdchucky »

hello guys... im new to android tv box and im planning to play rpg game on my tv screen using bluetooth keyboad and mouse... can anyone explain step by step. im still not yet understand and sorry for bad english... currently im using minix u9h and planning to buy nvidia shield...thanks in advance
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by zulu99 »

asdchucky wrote:hello guys... im new to android tv box and im planning to play rpg game on my tv screen using bluetooth keyboad and mouse... can anyone explain step by step. im still not yet understand and sorry for bad english... currently im using minix u9h and planning to buy nvidia shield...thanks in advance
you can play or with your phone or with an hardware controller.

everything is explained here:
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Re: How to... ? Nvidia Shield pad

Post by asdchucky »

thanks bro zulu will purchase it immediatelly both server and touch profil. one more, each game in android use different touch profile set up right? and can u please how to make it which dont have on ur android touch profile list. example dragon hunter and dragon nest saint heaven ect...thanks alot :D